No more workstation setupThings happen. Your computer breaks down. Your computer operating system gets corrupted. Computer virus infection. Staffs resigned. And so on! Each time one of the mentioned happen, you need to restore your workstations back to a safe stage. You or your hired IT guy, need to format, setup the machines. Time and cost spent just to get things back to its original stage.
Now you are finally at ease. No matter what happens, Camou Smart Office Systems required no workstation setup ever after. Each time you reboot the machines, it is back to freshly installed status. What you will need for CSOS (Camou Smart Office Systems) to be available for you:
Immediate Plug & Play deployment.Camou Smart office systems let you do more than just hassle-free computer setup, it gives you instant workstation when you plug in a brand new computer. Carefully setup Operating system will be loaded from Camou Smart Office Systems onto any of your new computers. And you will be able to work away with a simple network cable plug-in.